RF-V9 FAQQ:What is V9? A: RF V9 is a personal emergency call for help, and positioning anti-theft alarm, with SOS distress, sound sensor alarm, vibration sensor alarm, and other functions. Widely use in emergency call of crowd people such as childre...
10-14 2014
RF-V8S FAQQ: what is V8S ? A: RF-V8S is a car dedicated GPS positioning antitheft alarm and personal emergency SOS communicator, with GPS tracking, sound sensor alarm and vibration sensor alarm function. When your car is levered, moved or around voic...
10-14 2014
RF-V8 FAQQ: what is V8 ? A:RF-V8 is a dedicated GPS anti-theft communicator for car , with GPS tracking , sound sensor alarm and vibration sensor alarm function. And its suitable for the Anti-theft of car ,home and warehouse. When your car is levere...
10-14 2014
RF-V7 FAQQ:What is V7? A: RF V7 is a personal emergency call for help, and positioning anti-theft alarm, with SOS distress, sound sensor alarm, vibration sensor alarm, and other functions. Widely use in emergency call of crowd people such as childre...
10-14 2014
RF-V6 FAQQ: What is V6? V6 is a RF - V6 is a personal emergency call for help, and positioning anti-theft alarm, with SOS distress, sound sensor alarm, vibration sensor alarm, and other functions. Widely use in emergency call of crowd people such as...
10-14 2014